Mullivaikkal Massacre

The Sri Lankan government has been credibly accused of committing genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity during the armed conflict, through deliberate conduct in contravention of the international laws of war Intentional targeting of civilian populations, including through bombing of hospitals Egregious use of sexual violence, torture, and enforced disappearances as methods of combat Extrajudicial executions of LTTE hors de combat, and Tamil civilians, including children 70,000 to 169,796 Tamils remain unaccounted for and presumed dead from the final five months of the war in 2009, also known as the Mullivaikkal Genocide
After providing an initial death toll of 40,000, the UN found evidence suggesting that 70,000 were killed. Local census records indicate that at least 146,679 people are unaccounted for and presumed to have been killed. By examining different sources, including the United Nations, census figures and World Bank data, the International Truth and Justice Project (ITJP) found that the highest estimate of those killed during that final phase could be as large as 169,796.
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