“There are legitimate issues that are raised by the Tamil community and they have a very legitimate desire, as anybody would, to be able to control their own lives, to rule their own destinies and to govern themselves in their homeland; in the areas they’ve traditionally inhabited” – Richard Boucher, Assistant Secretary for South and Central Asian Affairs, 01 June 2006
The mission of the Tamil Americans United PAC is to promote the American core values of equality, freedom, and democracy throughout the world, and to work towards safeguarding the interest of the Eelam Tamil people and ensure they get justice for the Genocide, War crimes, and Crimes against Humanity committed against them by Sri Lanka, and to work with the US Government to facilitate an Independence Referendum for the Eelam Tamils to exercise their right to self-determination according to International Law

Tamil Americans’ Objectives
Recognize Eelam Tamils’ right to self-determination
Support Independence Referendum for Eelam Tamils
Refer Sri Lanka to the International Criminal Court
Recognize the Tamil Genocide committed by Sri Lanka
Why Tamil Conflict in Sri Lanka is Important to the United States?
Democracy, Freedom, Liberty must be promoted
Oppression, Occupation & Aggression shouldn’t be encouraged
Justice & Accountability are the right things to do
US is already leading accountability issue related to Sri Lanka at the UNHRC without much success
US is the world leader in championing human rights

Culpability Of The Sri Lankan State
The Sri Lankan government has been credibly accused of committing genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity during the armed conflict, through deliberate conduct in contravention of the international laws of war, Intentional targeting of civilian populations, including bombing of hospitals, egregious use of sexual violence, torture, and enforced disappearances as methods of combat, extrajudicial executions of LTTE hors de combat, and Tamil civilians, including children. Around 70,000 to 169,796 Tamils remain unaccounted for and presumed dead from the final five months of the war in 2009, known as the Mullivaikkal Genocide
Tamil Eelam Independence Movement
Tamils’ major Political Parties united and declared “Vaddukoddai Resolution - 1976” |
Tamil Leaders peacefully started to voice against Sri Lankan State Oppression of Tamils. |
There were Political Pacts Between Tamils and Sinhalese & all were discarded and not honored. |
Tamils’ peaceful struggle for equality denied by all Sinhala Govts. |
Non-violent agitations by Tamils was violently overpowered by State terror. |
Goal: Independent Sovereign Tamil Eelam as the only solution for Tamil People. |
Method: Non-Violent. |
83 % of Tamil Reps elected from newly formed Tamil Coalition in 1977 Election and gained Mandate for Sovereignty. |
Tamils Considered 1977 election as a Referendum for Independent Country – “Tamil Eelam”. |
Tamil's Resistance began in early 1970’s as a response to Sinhalese violence against Tamils: -State/Govt Sponsored Anti-Tamil violence in 1956, 1958, 1961, 1974, 1979, 1981, 1983 -Anti-Tamil Activities: Sinhalese Land Colonization in Tamils’ homeland, No Development or Jobs for Tamils. Limited Access to Education by GOVT |
In 1987 India signed Indo-Lanka Accord excluding Tamils’ Representation. However, SL failed to honor aforementioned accord |
From 1983 – 2009 Tamils established a de-facto state TAMIL EELAM in most areas of Tamil’s homeland |
Norwegian led Ceasefire 2002 – 2008 – unsuccessful! |
War Ended in 2009 with Tamil Genocide! |
Transforming the whole island into Sinhalese Buddhist Fundamentalist country! |